Are Grains a Part of a Healthy Diet?
Today I want to talk about something I get asked about a lot: grains. Grains have been hailed as the answer to heart disease (fiber!)

How to Relieve Constipation Naturally
One of the most common problems I see in my practice is constipation. Whether you’re dealing with low-level, chronic constipation or acute, more painful constipation,

What are Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics?
Most of us are pretty familiar with probiotics. They line the shelves of every grocery store and drugstore and they are talked about widely. But

What’s the Difference Between a Food Allergy, Food Sensitivity and Food Intolerance?
This is a question that comes up a lot in my practice. And before I dove into the nutrition world, I didn’t know the difference

What is Leaky Gut? (and what to do about it)
What is Leaky Gut? Leaky gut is a colloquial term for increased intestinal permeability. Increased intestinal permeability simply means that the tight junctions in our

What is Inflammation, Really? (And what you can do about it)
We hear this term thrown around all the time: Inflammation. We are told that the best diet is an “anti-inflammatory” diet, and that we should

Salad Dressings 101
Let’s talk about store-bought salad dressings. If you have a bottled salad dressing in your fridge, go check the label. What oil does it use?

Your Simple Guide to Sugar: What to Eat and What to Avoid
Sugar is Evil. Well, at least that’s what we all hear, all the time. But it comes down to how we consume it, and the

Sleep: Do I get enough and how do I get more?
Wellness is a vast topic, and there are literally thousands of tweaks we can make when we want to improve our health. So what’s a

Cooking Fats 101: Which fats + oils are the healthiest to cook with?
We’ve all heard by now that fat does not make you fat. In fact, many of the trendiest diets are now centered around fat. But

5 Ways to Instantly Up your Nutrient Density Game
Have you heard the term “nutrient density”? It’s gotten to be a bit of a buzz word in the nutrition world, but let’s talk about

Water 101: Are you dehydrated?
Water. Often overlooked, taken for granted, or bypassed for a more enticing beverage, few of us realize what a huge role it plays in our

Bone Health 101: A Simple Guide
Healthy bones – you’ve heard all the advice, and probably conflicting advice – and it can be pretty overwhelming. And that’s because, like everything in

Eggs 101: Cracking the [Label] Codes
Though we can flip a coin to determine whether eggs are considered “good” or “bad” by the general public on any given day, we can’t

The Great Debate: How Are Humans Really Supposed to Eat?
So the other day I ended up on a vegan website after hearing about it on a business podcast I listen to. The site is

Why We Should Embrace Red Meat
The regularly vilified red meat is making a resurgence thanks to the Paleo/Primal/Ancestral food movement, but why is it such an important part of our

Does Red Meat Really Cause Cancer?
One of the most common causes for concern when people talk about the Paleo diet is how frequently meat is being eaten; red meat in

How to Make Jun Tea
I’ve made kombucha tea in the past, and I recently discovered jun tea at my local co-op, and may like it even more. It has

Glowing Skin Smoothie
This bright and cheery smoothie has everything in it to give you glowing skin. Rich in vitamin C, collagen, and probiotic-rich yogurt, it contains some